#Influencer voices: How @FiatUSA builds its brand in real time with Twitter

By @RKRosengard
Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The Fiat brand has existed for more than a century, but it relaunched in the US just four years ago. To get the word out to customers, Fiat turned to Twitter. Now, @FiatUSA relies on the mobile-first platform to reach its highly active target audience in fun, engaging ways.

Jason Marchioni (@jmac248), media and social media manager at @FiatUSA, shares how the brand uses Twitter to get more mileage out of its TV investments and drive consumer engagement during key pop culture moments.

Mobile-first platforms like Twitter are extremely important to the Fiat business because if you take a look at who our audience is, our target really is mobile itself. They’re always on the go, and they’re social.

Jason Marchioni@jmac248Media and social media manager, @FiatUSA