An easier way to share Tweets privately

By @justsomas
Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Starting today, you’ll notice something new on Tweets — a Message button. With this new feature, it’s simple to share a Tweet via Direct Message and spark a private conversation.

An easier way to share Tweets privately

Every day, millions of people send Direct Messages to communicate privately with friends, family, experts, brands, and anyone else they find interesting on Twitter. In fact, we’ve seen the number of messages sent grow over 60% in 2015. And the number of Tweets shared privately has grown even faster, at 200% in just the second half of last year.

With all this interest, we’ve also heard from many of you that it could be easier to share a Tweet using Direct Message. So now — in just a few taps — you can share unique Twitter content from your timeline right into your private conversation.

This update is our next step towards making conversations richer in Direct Messages. Over time, we’ve added more ways to express yourself using GIFs, emojis, or realllllllyyyyy long private messages, helped you connect with a group of people, and made it easy to get customer service.

The Message button will be available today on Twitter for iOS and Android. Update your app, and share a Tweet to get the conversation started!