Now Available: new automation tools for premium pre-roll on Twitter

By @regandc
Thursday, 9 June 2016

We’re excited to announce that advertisers now have an easier way to serve pre-roll ads of any length in front of the most premium mobile videos. Starting today, Twitter pre-roll will support Video Ad Serving Templates (VAST) through select Ads API partners.

In October, we announced the beta release of Twitter pre-roll to provide advertisers access to premium videos from Twitter Amplify publishers such as FOX Sports, Dick Clark Productions, and MTV. Today’s launch makes Twitter the only social platform that allows advertisers to systematically deliver pre-roll ads against video content from top sports, TV, and digital publishers.

How it works
VAST is a universal protocol that standardizes communication between ad servers and video players. With this feature, advertisers can now programmatically serve pre-rolls in front of premium content – hundreds of publishers and growing. The ability to use VAST (exclusively available via the Ads API and currently in beta in the US) is available through four of our Ads API partners: AdParlor, Amobee, TubeMogul, and Visible Measures.

Get started
Each of the four listed Ads API partners can begin to run campaigns in the beta today. With this new update, it’s now easier to monetize and sponsor videos on Twitter. Reach out to one of the partners to get started!


“Big brand advertisers are always looking to align with premium content. By making VAST-serving available to Twitter pre-roll content, Twitter has created a unique way to connect premium advertising content with the social graph.” AdParlor VP of Global Sales Miles Dennison said.


“Our ability to provide engaging video experiences on Twitter will strengthen existing advertiser relationships and help maximize brands’ ability to be relevant in the moments that matter to users on the platform.” – Chad Bronstein, SVP of Global Partnerships at Amobee


“Twitter has become a go-to destination for marketers looking to reach highly engaged and diverse audiences,” said Keith Eadie, Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer, TubeMogul. “As one of the first video advertising platforms to join Twitter’s pre-roll ads program, we are thrilled to help marketers further increase their reach and apply the effectiveness and efficiency of software to one of the most premium advertising environments.”

Visible Measures

“Our partnership with Twitter gives our clients a powerful opportunity to work within a high-quality and high-reach environment with hundreds of brand name content producers,” said Brian Shin, founder and CEO, Visible Measures. “Our data indicates that this top tier video content, combined with strong audience engagement, and Twitter’s feed-based interface will prove particularly impactful for brands launching new video advertising campaigns or releasing new products who are looking to build traction rapidly.”